TC52 and TC57 series mobile computers

    Superior enterprise-class touch
    data collection, providing ultra-rugged enterprise-class all-touch computers for both inside and outside the enterprise.
TC52 and TC57 series mobile computers

Best-in-class enterprise touch data collection
Zebra's TC52 WLAN and TC57 WWAN Series mobile computers deliver enterprise-class touch computing performance to deliver a seamless user experience inside and outside the enterprise.

When you choose the TC52x/TC57x, you'll get all the features of our best-selling TC52/TC57 rugged handheld mobile computer and more. With more Zebra-exclusive advanced features for a superior user experience, more support for the latest mobile innovations, and more Mobility DNA tools, device management is easier than ever. Up to 8 years of security updates to keep your equipment running every day.

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Mobility in the field
Transportation industry

Price/stock checks
Product finder
Assisted sales
Planogram management
Delivery tracking
Inventory management
Scheduling with location-based services
Proof of delivery
Asset management